IGNSS2022 Call for Abstracts [Archived]
It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the 2022 IGNSS Conference taking place once again at UNSW Sydney on 7 - 9 December 2022.
It is time for the Australasian GNSS community to come together once again for the 2022 IGNSS Conference. IGNSS 2022 will be held in Sydney, Australia from 7 – 9 December 2022. IGNSS 2022 is Australasia’s premier conference and exhibit for technology, products and services in Positioning Navigation and Timing, including GNSS.
Since our last conference, the Australian Space Agency and Geoscience Australia have begun developing a national Roadmap for PNT. The roadmap documents the capabilities of the PNT sector in Australia, as well as the decadal vision for new PNT capabilities and applications, including in space. The PNT Roadmap is also building on Geoscience Australia’s work on the Positioning Australia program, including the partnership with New Zealand to deliver and sustain the SouthPAN SBAS.
As well as these overarching developments, IGNSS 2022 will examine the growing interest in alternatives to GNSS; including the hot topic of LEO PNT; where constellations of Low Earth Orbit satellites are being developed to deliver new PNT services. There will also be updates from existing GNSS System Providers as they start delivering new services such as signal authentication and increased accuracy.
IGNSS 2022 will not only address the wave of new opportunities but also the risks posed by jamming, spoofing and cybersecurity threats.
We will gather leaders in GNSS and PNT to examine the latest technology, present cutting edge research and discuss in open forums the implications for policy, market development and positioning infrastructure deployment.
We encourage Early Career Researchers as well as Industry R&D to present their work.
We hope you can join us!
Sessions will cover the following topics and more:
Autonomy on land, air, sea and in space
Aviation and Avionics
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
Machine Guidance Applications in Agriculture, Construction and Mining
Maritime Applications
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Space applications of PNT in Earth orbit and for Lunar and Martian exploration
Positioning Infrastructure
GNSS Vulnerability, Resilience and Risk
Interference Detection and Mitigation
Policies and Standards
SBAS and Other Augmentations
Datums and Geodesy
National and International GNSS Developments
Emerging Application Areas for GNSS
Key Industries and their Reliance on GNSS
Embracing the Multi-GNSS Era
Cyber Security in PNT Applications and Infrastructure
Alternative PNT
State of the art in PNT algorithms and software development
GNSS Aiding and Sensor Fusion
Positioning in GNSS Denied Environments
Development of GNSS Receiver Hardware and Firmware
Precise position using Smartphones